
Artwork 3d model
Artwork 3d model

artwork 3d model artwork 3d model

Interestingly, the painting is least like itself when it is photographed: dimensions are flattened, textures are approximated as pixels. This reasoning extends to the titling of the finished painting: “Image” + a number indicating its place in the progress of the studio project. One of the reasons I make paintings the way I do is to render a representation of abstraction. Such digital layouts of a space can be both helpful and absurd. To further explore the potential iterations of an exhibition’s design, I began using Google’s 3D rendering software, SketchUp, on a repeated basis. Scale model of The Menil Collection galleries in the exhibitions department The process of laying out the shows, moving artwork from wall to wall, is deeply satisfying.

artwork 3d model

Museums often use foamcore models – as the Walker, SFMOMA and the Getty do – although some create more permanent models (the Menil Collection in Houston, for instance, created models complete with periscopes to view the miniature galleries at eye level). It is common practice for institutions to create visual prototypes or surrogates of both space and art. One specific lesson from these jobs was that digital visualizations of gallery spaces could increase communication by better engaging the artists, curators, art-handlers, and fabricators throughout the installation. This taught me about the exhibition process and timeline for artwork after it leaves the artist’s studio. I had the opportunity to work for an array of employers in the art world, both commercial and nonprofit, laying out and installing exhibitions. My day jobs during and after graduate school were always in the art handling, exhibition design, and fabrication fields. Here New York–based artist Joseph Montgomery discusses how 3D modeling - both actual and virtual - influences his thinking on exhibition making. I n Studio Sessions, our ongoing web series, the 15 artists in the Walker-organized exhibition Painter Painter respond to an open-ended query about their practices. Joseph Montgomery’s work installed in Painter Painter

Artwork 3d model